Compliant documentation that can be submitted

Proof of Address:

  • Bank Statement (issued within 3 months)
  • Credit Card Statement (issued within 3 months)
  • Utility Bill, (related to water, electricity, gas, landline, home internet) (issued within 3 months)
  • Residence permit (containing address)
  • Government Issued Documentation (including documents from local authorities regarding address registration, tax or social benefits) (issued within 3 months)

Proof of Identification Document (Age Limit 16+):

  • Driving license
  • Passport
  • National ID Card
  • Residence permit (containing date of birth)


General rules of submission


ID documents cannot be a picture within a document (e.g. passport pasted into word), photocopied (unable to verify security features), obscured in any way (e.g. thumb or light hotspot over MRZ), screenshotted (increased fraud risk), expired / invalid or an unacceptable document type.


POA documents need to be uploaded in the original format if they are an electronic document (e.g. bank statements are a pdf, if you screenshot it then it is now converted to a .png), screenshots are not acceptable (increased fraud risk), expired / invalid or an unacceptable document type.


If you’re able to ensure that the above is correct for each document upload and that it is a high resolution photo of a full document (or original digital copy for POA) then this will help to reduce the number of unnecessary refers that you’ll receive due to the documents not meeting out partners requirements for review.

Searching the W2 Portal 

When searching the W2 Portal Dashboard for previous results, the W2 search reference number can be entered into the 'Call ID' section of the filters. This call ID must include the hyphens provided in the originally provided reference.


By default, the date range with show all results in the last month. In order to search for older results, the date range must be changed manually.

IDV Sub-Reason Codes


Reason Code



Application has been marked as expired, due to duplicate application or inactivity.

ID and POA incorrect

ID and POA documents are non-compliant or do not match registration detail.

ID expired

ID document has expired

ID illegible

ID document is of poor quality or cannot be read. Screenshots, photocopies or black & white images are not acceptable.

ID incorrect

ID document is not in the applicant’s name

ID non-compliant

ID document is non-compliant - voter and tax cards are not acceptable, for example

POA non-compliant

POA document is non-compliant - mobile bills and insurance documents are not acceptable, for example.

POA illegible

POA document is of poor quality or cannot be read. Screenshots, photocopies or black & white images are not acceptable.

ID and POA illegible 

ID and POA documents are of poor quality or cannot be read. Screenshots, photocopies or black & white images are not acceptable.

POA incorrect

POA document is not in the applicant’s name or there is an address mismatch.

POA wrong format

POA document file has been converted/altered, please ask the customer for the original file.

POA internet copy

POA document is either a screenshot or printed out electronic document. Please request original PDF document or photo of original document.

POA out of date

POA document is outside of the acceptable date range.

Missing dom photo page or POA stamp

Sub-reason code for Russia, Ukrainian and Belarus applications.

Missing back of ID 

POI document is missing image of the back of ID document.

Suspicious docs

POI and/or POA are high risk.


An easy fix is required to approve the application, for example a typo, or incorrect DOB.


Application has been referred to EP for further clarification or require additional documents.